Rather than talk about my banner philosophy, what makes a good banner and what does not, sometimes is just a lot simpiler to show you. This Banner Gallery started this month (May 2016), so it does not cover the many hundreds and thousands of banner designs I have made in the past.
What it does show is the type of stuff I am making now and will be making in the future as I continue to “flesh out” this gallery with other designs that cross my desk that I think are worth showing.
There will be banner examples to look at, ones where the message or call to action has lessons for us. Other times they will be designs that push the envelope of what you can do with a banner.
If you have any questions about these, or a banner for you or your business.Please feel free to be in touch. Getting a banner is not difficult. I can promise you that my team and I will do everything you can to help you get the best banner possible (regardless of size) and more importanly, provide you a world class experience as part of all your dealings with me and B2bJv.com
Enjoy 🙂
I am here to help you, Contact Me for Any Info You Need